A review by ashleyraemc
For You and Only You by Caroline Kepnes


Am I the Goodreads girl now?

Joe Goldberg is back, this time with major dark academia vibes!

When I saw I was approved for an arc from NetGalley, I was so pumped. From the first chapter, I was hooked. Caroline Kepnes’ writing is superb and witty, as always. I’m convinced even her grocery list is an entertaining read.

I read the last three books in this series. I binged in 24 hours. This one took me about four days.

Through the first third of this book, I loved it. The twists and Joe’s unhinged behavior were in full force, and then it mostly fizzled out. Don’t get me wrong, there are still some interesting situations and moments Joe gets himself into, but a lot of the middle part of this book was a bit of a slog.

Honestly, I think what caused me to not love it as much as the others were the constant pandemic references. These were mainly scattered in the first half. I sort of get why Kepnes put those into the book. She often puts topical references into this series. Personally, any pandemic references make me squeamish. I wouldn't say I like when books talk about it. Mentioned once I could get passed, but a decent-sized part of this story is about what Joe was doing during the pandemic. I wasn’t compelled to pick it up because of that.

All that being said, there were quite a few things I liked! I loved the academia vibes and everyone’s bizarre names. I am always entertained by Joe’s twisted inner monologue and thought process. I also enjoyed the addition of S.B. I would love to get more S.B. and Joe. I will be picking up whatever Kepnes writes next.

Thank you to NetGalley for the complimentary copy! Expected Release: April 4, 2023