A review by chandlerainsley
Dukes Prefer Blondes by Loretta Chase


i think i have a new fav historical romance author!

while i adore the popular historical romance authors of the moment (tessa dare etc), i really have to say how much i appreciate some of the older authors. they really take the time to set up place, plot, and characters in a way that makes me fall even more deeply in love with character relationships.

i really don't think loretta chase has an equal in writing banter between heroine & hero. i always find myself grinning like a big idiot at the jabs and insults the characters throw at each other. and i always swoon at the end when everything is tied up in a pretty bow.

the only real complaint i have and i anticipate other readers will have as well is how long this book is. i think it's necessary in creating convincing relationships but if you're used to a quick fall in love plot and then "the end" this might not be for you. chase usually has the characters married at the 60-70% mark with more plot after that.

overall, 4/5 bodice ripping stars