A review by feloniousfunk
Darkness and Day by Ivy Compton-Burnett


A week into the new year and I already had one book under my belt. I was well on my way to my goal of reading two books a month. I decided I wanted to get as many books in as possible while I was feeling so motivated, and chose one of the shortest books on my shelf: Ivy Compton-Burnett's Darkness and Day.. Only a couple hundred pages long, I could finish that in a week and get a leg up on my yearly goal.

It took me a month to work through this.

I'm not entirely sure how Compton-Burnett ended up on my radar. I vaguely recall hearing that her work is considered unadaptable, and that intrigued me enough to make an impulse buy, but I dove in with zero context. Within a couple pages I was totally lost. Most of the novel is just incredibly long dialogue scenes where high society types sling barbs at each other in the most archaic dialogue I've ever read. I could g