A review by mlvreads
Friendship by Emily Gould


This was a fast, pleasant read after some pretty heavy material (not including the graphic novel Seconds). I bought this book used for a great discount because it never made it to my library's system and no one would lend it from other libraries in the state. I don't regret buying it (I never regret buying books) but it's certainly not a favorite.

I really appreciate honest relationships in my entertainment: books, TV, movies. We all like happily ever after, but I think it's really important to focus on the more-relatable ups and downs and beginnings and endings of our various relationships.

If you like the TV show GIRLS, you might like this book. Amy and Bev's friendship is a lot like Hannah and Marnie. They do care about each other, but they are also abundantly aware of how the other might hold one back and about the jealousy that unfortunately occurs during these relationships.

There were some genuinely funny moments with great dry humor that I enjoyed. There was also an argument that resonated with me and my feelings towards my personal friendships. Again, I appreciate that. The book was also very grounded in modern-day, so technology and the way it plays into our relationships was perfect in it's present.

I'm not recommending this, shouting from the rooftops. But I liked reading it and took some sweet lessons away from it as well.