A review by anitalouise
To Love and Submit by Katy Swann


Wow. More of a 4.5. I didn't expect to enjoy this book as much as I did. The author did a wonderful job introducing us to the characters, Rachel and Adam. You get a really good sense of Rachel's backstory although it is not specifically explained. She has been badly hurt in the past, trusts no one and her confidence has been soundly shaken. She works in a somewhat dead-end job but then finds herself thrust into a workplace situation with a man she's had a crush on - Adam. Things really take off from there. Rachel comes off as meek but oh-ho she is not! She is actually quite strong and the author captures that yes she is/no she isn't strong thing well. I liked Rachel a lot. Adam is still more of a mystery but we do get more of his history as things progress. What I especially loved about this book is the slow introduction to BDSM through Rachel's eyes. The author captures that well. Her grasp of what she's been feeling and what she learns about the lifestyle is vividly explained. Things don't really get down and dirty until much later in the book but when they do - whew! Nicely paced with some laugh out loud funny moments. This is part one of a trilogy, I believe, so it is expected that there would be a certain amount of build-up and introduction to the characters. I really enjoyed this and will most definitely read the remainder of the series. This one doesn't necessarily end on a classic cliffhanger BUT you are left with wanting to know what happens next in Rachel and Adam's relationship. The book actually ends at about 92%. The remainder is an excerpt from another book.