A review by booksandlemonsquash
A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. 

I am a huge Ashley Poston fan and went into this with high hopes! I love her brand of slightly fantastical contemporary romance so much, and her writing always makes me smile (and often cry 😂). 

That said I think the hype worked against me here a little (it still got four stars lol). I felt I didn’t connect with the emotions as much as in the dead romantics or the seven year slip. I came out of it a little disappointed as a result, so I gave myself a couple of days before I wrote this. Now that has faded I can happily talk about why it’s still a four star book! 

I love the concept so much - who wouldn’t love to find themselves in the town of one of their favourite romance books? (Definitely not one of my fantasy ones though 😂) And Elsy’s fangirling reactions to all the characters was so funny. I also really connected with a lot of Elsy’s pre trip experiences in terms of being hung up on something more than the person and feeling left behind by people. 

I will say that while I liked the romance it wasn’t my favourite part, especially towards the end (liked the ending but not the right before). I do think it felt a little more surface level than I’m used to with Ash’s books. But I had a great time on the journey which I think is more the point on this one. It’s a love letter to bookish people and fandom and books and I always love that. 

Definitely give it a try if you enjoyed her other adult romance, just know it’s not quite the same :)