A review by readerxxx
Swords Against Death by Fritz Leiber


Leiber's books are classic works of fantasy. Reading them brings to mind many hours spent as a teenager playing Dungeons and Dragons in my friend Joe's spooky house. Whenever I start a fafhred and grey mouser book I start with excitement but end in disappointment. The stories are trite and without depth. The situations are contrived and the sequence of events too unbelievable for me to believe that they occurred even in a fantasy novel.

I read them for the memories of my youth than I do for the stories themselves. That said, I do recognize that when I read them as a youth, I enjoyed them, so much more because I had not been jaded through the reading of thousands of really good books after it.

Leiber paved the way for many really good fantasy writers after him so for that his works remain classics.