A review by thejdizzler
The Case Against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money by Bryan Caplan


I have to wonder if a lot of the other reviewers even read the same book that I did. Kaplan meticulously goes through the data on schooling and education premiums for different degrees, highlighting the sheepskin effect of the graduation year, which is proof enough for the existence of signalling. He then defangs critics arguments: such as educational enrichment of "higher cultural values" (by going through high culture sales data), and makes a case for vocational training).

As much as it sucks to admit that we waste trillions of dollars, and literally years of people's lives, such a levelheaded approach to the data is needed. I would challenge any and all of you who have a positive view of education to check out this book and to come up with a credible counter argument.