A review by aaadss__
My Dark Vanessa by Kate Elizabeth Russell


oh my god. this book is so good. I don’t think any other writer has ever written on this topic with such a depth into the emotions of the victim. It’s not just that, the book itself is so poetic where I had to take a moment or two in order to grasp it. The affect of abuse and grooming on the life of Vanessa both in her teen years and later in her life has been described in such a good manner. The way strane kept manipulating her and deceived her into believing the version of reality he created where Vanessa was the one initiating everything, in order to cover up his tracks and blame everything on her is written with so much precision. I don’t think I’ve ever read something equivalent to this. Although since this is such a different and sensitive topic and going in depth of it will obviously make some people uncomfortable and uneasy, it was pretty dark for me. But that doesn’t change anything. This book is and shall remain a masterpiece.
update: I’ve been thinking about this book a lot lately and I think it’s one of my all time favs it deserves a five star