A review by ubercoat
Dragons of Spring Dawning by Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman


Spring Dawning rounds out the Dragonlance Chronicles trilogy, and it's a satisfying read. In the end, I found the second book to be a little better than the third, but they're roughly on par with each other. I won't go into detail as for my reasons for that - which would give too much away - but suffice to say that part of what made the second book enjoyable for me was missing in the third. Still, there are enough interesting, sympathetic characters to make the story worthwhile.

The general arc of the story is a little too Tolkien-esque at times - there's only so much "trudging into the heart of darkness to destroy the one thing the evil ruler must not have destroyed" I can read before feeling like I'd been there before. That said, Dragonlance is a much easier read than LotR, and still has more dragons than you can shake a staff at. In the end, it's all worth it - after all, dragons were what got me to pick the series up in the first place.