A review by scribesprite
A Tale of Two Castles by Gail Carson Levine


A girl working for a Dragon to solve a mystery to save a nice ogre. Add that with the unique magical writing of Levine. Well what are you waiting for!

If that is not enough than I'll write more.

There is a great heroine who has a big heart and a vibrant spirit. Elodie (or Lodie depending who you ask) is on her own now and she wants to be a mansioner which is an actor (took me a few pages to figure that one out). She was turned away though; fate has bigger plans for her. A dragon offers her an apprenticeship. But this is not all, there is unrest in the city of Two Castles. The people don’t like the noble ogre that passes though their city and sure enough Elodie and her master become involved in what could be a threat to the ogre himself. But how can a new apprentice save an ogre, a noble ogre to boot? That is what you find out.

There are only two irks I had with it though because they peeved me. The first was that the dragon gender is not told, no one knows it except the dragon itself. Come on just tell us! I thought more than once because the IT pronoun bothered me. Also some of the sentences sounded weird to me. I’d have to look over the sentences sometimes. It might’ve been because there were words that I didn’t know, which I didn’t expect from a juvenile book but I don’t have a big vocabulary like our dragon does. I know these peeves are probably just me but still, I was peeved.

Elodie’s relationship with the dragon, the ogre, and the princess are all unique you could say. The dragon is kind of like a grouchy old man. The ogre has a very vulnerable side that was so unexpected and the princess is ‘flighty’ (as Elodie says).

I always like going to good old fashioned fantasy, there is just so much imagination in it. Looks like there will be a sequel, if not I'll be even more peeved.