A review by dee2799d
DarkShip Thieves by Sarah A. Hoyt


Sort of guilty pleasure space opera book with a funny female character and an okay sort of male lead (Kit's funny too, but idk, he sort of feels generic male lead to me?).

I've read Sarah Hoyt before and her female characters are hit or miss for me, but I liked Athena well enough. This reminds me of some of Tanith Lee's sci-fi novels ([b:Biting the Sun|373009|Biting the Sun|Tanith Lee|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1320466660s/373009.jpg|362927]) and except for a bit near the end where we are suddenly reminded that fight scenes could happen (seriously, it was becoming like a domestic AU) and I had to shift my mental gears a bit to take it all in--I breezed through the book happily chuckling at the appropriate bits.

Which is good, because NAT. My only problem with this book is that we got 80% of balls kicking and sassy female character without knowing that Nat would make an appearance later on and make me very happy. Nat is my favourite. I wish there was more of him.

This puts me in the mood for more space opera novels. I might be reading Catherine Asaro soon. (Although her books are usually hard sci fi novels masquerading as romance?)