A review by intensej
Lover Arisen by J.R. Ward


I started reading this simply because I started to read [b:Lassiter|61295517|Lassiter (Black Dagger Brotherhood, #21)|J.R. Ward|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1655321417l/61295517._SY75_.jpg|91762165] (#21) and I was missing the backstories on important characters. I was less interested in the romance between Erika Saunders and Balthazar in this book. I was more interested in the side plot with Lassiter, Devina, Nate, and Rahvyn. The writing felt a bit clunky and forced, but I still enjoy revisiting the world that Ward has created.

Content: mentions of murder and sexual assault