A review by vmusing
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall


A GLOWING 5 star read for me!!

If you are someone who considers yourself a feminist, I implore you to add this to your required reading list. ESPECIALLY if you are white.
This book has the best feminist discussion I have read thus far, and tackles how education, hunger, the housing crisis, gun violence, etc should ALL be treated as feminist issues.

Some of my favorite quotes:

“Feminism is the work that you do, and the people you it for who matter more than anything else.”

“It is past time to make the conversation a nuanced, inclusive, and intersectional one that reflects the concerns of all women, not just a privileged few.”

“....everything that affects women is a feminist issue, whether it be good insecurity or access to transit, schools, or a living wage.”

“Feminism can’t afford to prioritizesupporting whiteness over actively combating racist and misogyny policies that will end up hurting everyone.”

“White feminism has to move past any idea of being an alley and into being an accomplice in order for it to be meaningful.”

“Accomplices do not just talk about bigotry: they do something about it.”