A review by krystibarrak
The Haunting of Maddy Clare by Simone St. James


Sarah doesn’t have much, just a lonely flat in London and a temp agency to provide her work. Until Alistair - he calls her temp agency and requests a woman for work. The work? She must summon a dead girl and find out why she is haunting a barn. Maddy Clare killed herself but has stuck around in anger and wanting vengeance. She wouldn’t speak to men in life and won’t now in death. Torn between what’s real and what’s fake, Sarah has to embark on this journey with Alistair’s other employee Matthew. Maddy’s powers know no bounds and they must solve Maddy’s mystery before it’s too late.

I… have not a single good thing to say about this book. There was no mystery (to me), I knew exactly where this story was going about 25% in, it wasn’t scary (again to me), and the possible(?) love story thrown in just felt very forced and off topic from the story line as a whole. I’ve never DNF’ed a book and I came SO close to DNF’ing this one. *sigh* 1⭐️ from me and almost no desire to read another book by this author again.