A review by 21stcenturyfox
Franny and Zooey by J.D. Salinger


They're so relatably insufferable, suit my taste just right. I must say I like this on a personal level as someone who dealt with the same thing Franny did. 

Franny and Zooey glass are too intelligent for their own good, raised in a family of prodigious children which caused them to have quite tumultuous way of approaching day to day conversation or just general way of viewing others of lower intelligence. Indoctrinated on spiritual philosophy amongst other things by their brothers from a young age which at some point caused the two of spiritual crisis, which happens to Franny in this story.

Franny captures the essence of young adult smugness and arrogance really well, the first story made my supercilious little head considers to venture on young adult novels. As a character, Zooey, I must admit, although he was remarkable at times, I don't like him and his misanthropic personality so much.