A review by cpcabaniss
The Unready Queen by William Ritter


"Don't fret so much about the bad luck that you forget to see the good."

This sequel to Changeling picks up shortly after the events of its predecessor, with our characters learning to navigate their newly found relationships and abilities. While the focus of the story is still pretty evenly distributed between Cole, Tinn, and Fable, it's Fable's story that is being told here.

There's more development of the Wild Wood, Endsborough, and the history of the Witch of the Deep Dark, as well as introduction to new creatures from the woods and the politics of the various peoples within its bounds.

While I did enjoy this read, I'm not sure that this series is one that I will continue reading. I think many people would love these books, though, as they are well written and enjoyable. And who knows, that ending has me wanting answers, so book three may find its way onto my reading list when it hits shelves.

This review is based on an ARC that was provided for an honest review.