A review by birdinflight1
A Breath of Snow and Ashes by Diana Gabaldon


As gripping as the rest of the series. So many surprises and twists.

A lot of lingering questions were resolved in this book--what really happened between Ian and his wife; the house fire newspaper clipping explained, the missing French gold mystery solved, the entire plot with the Christie family. A whole book could have been written about the Christie family and their history alone.

I also enjoyed learning about all the new medical issues that presented in this book: syphilis, encephalitis, dwarfism, heart defects, and more. I enjoyed the plot lines involving all different kinds of relationships from interracial, cross-cultural, and the most surprising of all, bigamy.

The end of the book was very satisfying because a lot of loose ends and lingering plot lines were explained. However, the end and the epilougues leave us wanting more, ready to read the next story.