A review by colourmeread
We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations that Matter by Celeste Headlee


We Need to Talk is a book everyone needs to read. If you’ve ever been frustrated with other people for the things they do when having a conversation, be it interrupting you, not listening to you, or always turning the conversation to focus on themselves, you need this book. We Need to Talk will not only give you information on the psychology of why we often default to these behaviours, but it also provides tips and self-check prompts to help you reflect on things you do that may be negatively impacting your conversations or your relationships. I also appreciated how it encourages readers to have conversations with people they disagree with, as a way to avoid limiting their perspective. The book is sometimes not an easy pill to swallow (who loves being self-critical?) but it’s so essential when it comes to improving ourselves and the way we talk and listen to others.