A review by shanbreads
Dreamscape: Saving Alex by Kirstin Pulioff


Received for review from netgally in exchange for an honest review

I was engaged from the very first page—though I’ll admit that at first, Alex wasn’t high on my list of favorite characters. She whined and pouted and was so full of teenage drama and angst that I’m surprised she didn’t lay on the floor and throw a tantrum. I hated her mother even more, so I was willing to side with the teen. Throughout the book there was a wide array of characters with different personalities, some that I liked, some that I didn’t, and some that fooled me and forced me to change my opinion of them. Alex was definitely one of those. She grew throughout the story at a natural pace, and before I knew it, she was a pretty spectacular person. I adored her. The only person I liked more, was Arrow.

Technically speaking, the story was exceptionally well written. I didn’t run into any obvious typos or errors, no grammatical fumbles or awkward sentences. The pace moved steadily along at a nice pace, and I lost track of time. For six hours, I got sucked into Alex’s world, and I didn’t come up for air until the end of the story. The book was filled with grand adventures and quests, colorful characters, daring battles, deadly traps, and a heartbreaking romance. I couldn’t have asked for more.

My only complaint was the ending… because I really, REALLY wanted just one more chapter… or, you know, a continuation of the book. Why is this not a series?

Overall, I loved the book. If you like YA Fantasy and you’re looking for a fun book filled with crazy adventure, hijinks, and a bit of a romantic subplot, I would urge you to pick up this book and give it a try. It’s going on my keeper shelf… and then I’m going to hand it to my daughter. There’s some mild gore/violence/romance involved