A review by lexee9
Soul-Mate by Anna Santos


This story was different than other books that I have read, in a good way for the most part. I was really excited to read the book from the blurb. Annabel is a hunter and is undercover trying to find a pureblood vampire to save her brother. Shane is the sheriff in the town. Annabel and Shane meet her first night in town and once Shane gets a whiff of her, he knows that she is his mate. Shane believes that she is human so as he pursues her hard he doesn't tell her that she is his mate or that he is a werewolf. Annabel doesn't automatically know that he is her mate because she is a hybrid but she is drawn to him like no other. She doesn't want him to be sad or upset, especially with her and doesn't want to be away from him either. Since she doesn't have the automatic knowledge for the why of this, it is confusing for her. She decides to go ahead and continue seeing Shane because she can't seem to not and so changes her approach to her assignment.
This story has a bunch of twists and turns that are not expected that keeps you guessing what is going to happen next. The information is given in pieces which makes it harder to figure it out. The story line is very good and written very well. The story moves smoothly and doesn't ever feel slow. It moves very well and will definitely keep your attention through the entire story. I really enjoyed the characters. They were written really well and the secondary characters were as well. I loved how the next part of the story is being blended into this one. It is done very well and this story doesn't leave you in a cliffhanger but it definitely leaves you wanting more. I can't wait for the next story!! I am very excited to see whose story we get next and what is going to happen with this group of people.