A review by nooralshanti
Uprooted by Naomi Novik


I decided to read this book because it was written by the author of Temeraire. The cover didn't do much for me and neither did the description, which seemed like a generic "this is going to be a love story" set up, but having read Temeraire I hoped the author would do something more interesting with the book than was suggested by the description.

She did. She had a good idea and her writing style is smooth and polished. However, it just felt like the idea hadn't been developed properly. She was writing about a magic world but didn't want to bother developing the magic style. She was writing about the wood, but didn't want to think too much about the wood's nature and how humans could learn to live with it, so she decided to come up with a hastily tagged on back story in the end.

It was like reading at least two different stories squashed together uncomfortably. First, there was the story of the girl who gets "sacrificed" and sent as a tribute up the sorcerer/lord in the tower because people are too afraid to say no to him and he protects them from things. A very medieval tale that could have gone two ways. Either with her bid to escape or with her falling in love with him. Instead, she hung around being useless and having no self-respect for about 50 pages before discovering that she had magic and THAT was the reason he had actually taken her up to the castle - because the KIng's law said people like her had to be trained. That explained his negativity, his coldness and constant insults and it made me happy because I thought "good, no silly romance plot." WRONG! They did end up falling in love anyways because... they did magic together and their voices flowed well together when they sang. WUT?

Also, I had the impression this was a YA book until I stumbled across a sex scene. What is happening? Is this what YA books are like now? Not to mention it was completely unnecessarily thrown in to the middle of the supposed action/war part of the book when the characters really should have been too busy for it... >.> Also, he's about 150 years older than her. Why is this a thing?

But let's talk about the second book. The second book that was squashed onto this one involves the royalty and their court politics, which the main character gets pointlessly thrown into. The only result of this is that she ends up witnessing and participating in the completely unnecessary massacre of hundreds of soldiers. Oh - and her best friend who had reached a dead end found something to do with her life. I'm still really not sure why this part was tacked onto the book. I feel like it was born out of the author's need to find something for Kasia to do that would take her away so the main characters could be more comfortable without having to "worry" about her and also for the author to draw attention away from the fact that she didn't bother thinking too much about how the magic worked or how the wood worked.

Which is unfortunate, because the wood could have been really interesting. The main character's journey to discover her own magic, her own roots and connection to the wood, and to heal it, could have been much more profound and meaningful. The wood started off being interesting. In the end, though, I just didn't care how many zombie-trees and random insects came out of the wood at them because it was pretty obvious the main character was going to make up some random spell and it would work and they would all make it out alive. Except those poor soldiers that got massacred for no reason. *sigh*

Something I did love was the way the main character (who tells this tale from her own point of view in first person) described the way her magic differed from the magic of others. It was cool. It was a great start to what could have been a well developed magic system. But it never got developed and so by the third time she used such a description I was bored.

The book was a little long and tedious as others have mentioned. It's not that the writing isn't good, it's just that it was spent describing pointless fluff. I think this goes into characterization, too. The characters weren't allowed to grow or change or even have motivations so it was kind of hard to care about the things happening to them.

I will say again, though, that the book contains some interesting ideas and I did end up finishing it and not hating it. It was ok. Not spectacular, not as good as I can imagine it had the potential to be, just ok. Perhaps what spoiled this for me even more and gave me bigger expectations was that I felt it was very heavily influenced by (and ripping off from) some Miyazaki classics like Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, Laputa, and even Princess Mononoke. But without following through on the consequences or thinking it through at all the way a true MIyazaki epic does!