A review by jheinemann287
Something She's Not Telling Us by Darcey Bell


I needed a new audiobook to listen to while doing mindless things around the apartment. Something She's Not Telling Us has a GREAT cover and was available, so here we are.

I don't know. It was whatever. Everything you think is going to happen happens. While reading, you feel intrigued because you're like, oooh, the book wants me to think THIS, so I wonder what the REAL story is!

But it turns out there is no real story. It's just exactly what the non-crazy characters told you. The one they all think is crazy really is cRaZy. That's it.

While reading you're like, huh, the character everyone thinks is crazy really has it out for Character B! I wonder why! What's their secret history? What is Character B not telling us?! They're both so unreliable and secretive! What suspense!

But it turns out there is no secret motivation. There is no motivation at all. THE CRAZY CHARACTER IS JUST CRAZY.

While reading you're like, Character A says THIS happened, but Character B says this OTHER thing happened, and both those things can't be true, so which character is manipulating me? It's like a puzzle! How will it all fit together?

But it turns out that no one was lying. They both believed what they were saying because did I mention one of them is cRaZyYy?!

Lazy plot. No character growth. Offensive (and irresponsible) representation of mental illness.