A review by jramm
The Irony of American History by Reinhold Niebuhr


Niebuhr outlines the great ironies of American history, which are: the persistent sin of American Exceptionalism, the indecipherability of history, the false allure of simple solutions, and the failure to appreciate the limits of power (I stole that summary from the intro).

Although most of the book is a diatribe against Communism, Niebuhr does not glorify American democracy. His insights into American aggression in 1952 have been validated. More prophet than author at this point. I loved his stark realism and kept searching for a pen to underline the text.

There is a blurb on the back of the book by then-Senator Obama. I think Obama's presidential record reflects Niebuhr's positions.

Niebur chases both liberals and conservatives alike. He dispels their with frightening insight. Observing Niebuhr's America is like watching a parade where the tuba player keeps tripping on his shoe lace but refuses to tie it.

A quote to sum up: "The controversy between those who would 'plan' justice and order and those who trust in freedom to establish both is, therefore, an irresolvable one. Every healthy society will live in the tensions of that controversy until the end of history; and will prove its health by preventing either side from gaining complete victory."

(edited for clarity in 2014)