A review by jadabelle
Watch Over Me by Nina LaCour


I checked this book out from the library some time ago and it took me forever to get around to reading. So far I’ve really enjoyed all of LaCour’s books. She has a very unique writing style, and once you start reading one of her books, you can’t put it down, you just want to see where it goes. She does a really good job of portraying grief, and this book was filled with beautiful symbolism. Even if readers haven’t experienced the same grief as Mila faces in the story, they can still relate to her pain and loneliness. I loved seeing relationships grow and nothing seemed forced or unnatural about them, which is something that I feel many young adult novels struggle with. I especially loved the ghosts and how they were portrayed. LaCour did a really wonderful job with them, they didn’t seem at all fictitious or out of place within the realistic story. Ultimately, I think LaCour is a wonderful writer, especially when it comes to writing loneliness, and this story only further exemplified that.