A review by atticus88
Memoirs of a Fox-Hunting Man: The Memoirs of George Sherston by Siegfried Sassoon


I'm going to write a review for this book because it is for Paul's WW1 course and it is helpful to gather my thoughts together. I'm glad I got it out of the way first. It is not actually about the war, it is about fox-hunting and cricket. I've got a very limited interest in sport and it felt like a trudge. Did I really want to know how many cricket matches he had won? Or his riding shoes? There was a whole section purely dedicated to riding shoes. There was a section to Sherston's aunt making a cup of tea on the train.
The most memorable thing was in 'The Flower Show Match' where a man cruelly cheated in the homegrown veg competition. Outrageous! It should be banned just for that.
When he does go to war, there are some beautiful, sad moments but I had to trudge through most of the book to get to those moments. Sassoon is a beautiful writer but this just felt like a drag. His next book is apparently much better so I hold out hope for that.