A review by a_reader_obsessed
The Glass Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg


3.5 Stars

I quite enjoyed this sequel to [b:The Paper Magician|20727654|The Paper Magician (The Paper Magician, #1)|Charlie N. Holmberg|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1405618531l/20727654._SY75_.jpg|40051132] as Ceony continues her apprenticeship to Emery Thane. Things are on course until Thane’s foe returns, wanting answers from Ceony as to how she defeated his partner in crime. What ensues is some cat and mouse and plenty of displays of magic that held me rapt.

Again, I appreciated the world building in this. I liked seeing Ceony learn new things about her craft and Holmberg showing how the other magical systems work. Less enjoyable was Ceony going off on her own and thinking she must do anything and everything to save the situation. However, one can’t totally place all the blame on her as this historical setting prides itself on propriety and rules that encompass a tiny bit of misogyny as well, forcing Ceony to take action.

Peppered with a dash of romance, Thane is a compelling hero (though distant), and it will be interesting to see how Ceony evolves further in her abilities. This was good enough storytelling that will take me to the end of this trilogy!