A review by millennialbookreview
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Max Gladstone, Amal El-Mohtar


4.5 Stars

I really enjoyed the rather small-scale nature of this story. While Red and Blue are on opposite sides of the time war, the story isn't about the war itself, but rather the relationship developing between the two women. I was fascinated while reading of the different times and moments in history that each character was sent to. I also found it entertaining reading their letters to each other. The intricacies of the plot and how events in each moment in time fit together in the overall narrative was done so well and made the conclusion of the story so satisfying. And the ending was phenomenal.

Sometimes the prose was a little too much for me. The language in the letters got a little too flowery and that kind of put me off. This is not a book one can just breeze straight through. It's confusing at the start and it takes a little while to work out what is going on. Like any story about time-travel, this is a book the reader needs to pay close attention to. It takes some work, but it's more than worth it.