A review by dgrachel
In the Mood Fur Love by Eve Langlais


Ugh. When will I learn to stop clicking the read it now button on NetGalley? I received a free eARC of this book from NetGalley and this is my honest review.

A caveat: I struggle with short stories, as a general rule, and I’ve only read two novels featuring shifters that I liked, neither of which were written by the authors included in this collection. If you are someone who loves paranormal /shifter romances and short stories, by all means, give this a shot. It’s not my cup of tea and I only forced my way through it because it was an ARC, I felt obligated, and kept hoping that “the next story” would be better. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t.

I felt the first story was just poorly written. It felt juvenile and clunky. The writing style did not work for me at all. The second story was better written, and I liked it right up until the end. The sex scene at the end was just raunchy, not sexy, and filled with terminology I hate reading in romance novels. The third story was kind of the middle - the writing style wasn’t as bad as the first, but didn’t work for me either. The sex scenes weren’t as bad as the second, but the author also used terms that I don’t appreciate. So, as a whole, this collection just did not work for me and I can’t remember the last time I was this glad to be done with a book and moving onto something, anything else.