A review by yodamom
The Awakening by Amanda Stevens


Loved it, Love the series, love the world and characters.
Hauntingly told this last tale of Amelia the Graveyard Queen was a bitter sweet treat. I savored each beautifully laid out scene, each twist and turn. There were some serious goose-bump moments and a couple where I may have even turned on a few extra lights while curling up next to my dogs. You know just to stay warm, LOL. It didn't help that we had a severe storm things blowing against the roof. while an intense scene with wicked things landing on Amelia's roof. Double scare time, and I loved it. Ms. Stevens rocked out a BOOM BOOM ending that fit well with this reader. I want more, but I appreciate more an author that know when the end has come.
I am not going to tell you what happens. If you have been reading along with this series you should have a lot of unanswered questions. I know I did, and I wanted answers. Oh boy did Ms. Stevens answer them. Sit down and grab some calming tea ladies and gentlemen, you are in for a bumpy ride, please keep to the light. The ending was perfect.