A review by alina_leonova
Ghost: A Murder Mystery by Lubov Leonova, Lubov Leonova


An important note: even though the author and I have the same surname, we aren't related :)

I enjoyed the book, thought I think it's more suitable for teenagers and young adults. The story is relatively simple but engaging. I found it well-paced and enjoyed how the author set each scene - many of them were visually striking and there were a lot of times when I felt as if I were there. The world-building was interesting, and the magic system, even though it wasn't very complex, was quite curious. I didn't always understand the characters, and some of their actions seemed out of place. I enjoy complex characters, but in this case I felt that some things should either have been explored deeper or not present at all.

All in all, it was an easy and pleasant read despite the fact that it involved murder and a few darker themes.

You might enjoy the book if you are into YA fantasy, murder mysteries and magic.