A review by sade
Age of Myth by Michael J. Sullivan


So you're looking for a kick ass Fantasy book to read, you stumble on MJS, you see the glowing reviews, the blurb is catchy it's got a 4 point rating on your beloved book site. You think to yourself, well damn i'm good and probably follow up with this:
cos the book gods know we've been lead astray by high book ratings before, but this will surely be good.

You're excited, pumped. You strap on for what you swear will be beyond an enjoyable read -i'm talking blow you out of the water, leave you reeling, what to do with your life now that you're done reading kind of read. You're expecting to be regaled with a prose so stunning, the book gods will have to tear you away from this series.

I think i could forgive how totally scattered the whole plot was but see the prose? Nah! That was bad.
i mean why are words like cute, ma'am in this book? Step up the descriptions, how are they so meh!!
why am i having sentences like: with a round head, full bossom, and ample hips, she looked much like a skirted snowman". Really snowmen?? really??
Descriptions that were vague:"...From the knee down {name redacted} leg was covered in blood" please which leg?
"A hand grabbed her wrist. she felt fingers latch on". WHY?????
All in all i did not feel the prose in this book was worth listing this as an epic fantasy. Quite frankly felt like i was reading a middle grade fantasy novel.


there were some pretty OMG parts that had me going whaaaaatttttttttt??? and also betrayal is afoot (Have to see how that plays out) and the Door?? what's behind the freaking door!!
So while this wasn't worth the 4 point average in my opinion, i'm maybe hopeful that book 2 will be somewhat better and the characters will have a bit more sense.