A review by lamerthanfiction
Starcrossed City by Josephine Angelini

Did not finish book.
Yeah, no. DNF. And I have no intention to ever pick it up again. This book is horrible. And even though I'm already not a fan of paranormal romance books this book managed to make me dislike the genre even more.

I picked up Starcrossed because I wanted a novel with a rich plot based on Greek mythology kind of like the Percy Jackson series but instead I got a romance novel with some random and in my opinion really nonsensical hints of the mythology aspect. I probably should have known better.

Helen Hamilton, the main character, is stupid. I really hated her. She does NOTHING to move the plot forward at all and is one of the most impassive characters I ever got to read about. Helen is just the typical Mary Sue who thinks she is invisible and unpopular but actually is so beautiful, nice and overall awesome that everyone admires her and all the boys at her "Heaven Hamilton" and kiss her ass. And instead of doing ANYTHING to help solve the mystery about her heritage and the conflict, she just constantly puts herself and others in the line of danger. She is basically Bella Swan reloaded.

And this is not the only thing that made me feel like I was reading Twilight with Greek mythology. The Delos family, that rich new family that everyone talks about because they are so beautiful, nice and overall awesome just like Helen that consists of so many people I have already forgotten who is related to who, moves into town and the whole town loses their mind. The Cullens, anyone?

Helen isn't so enthuasiastic about them at all and tries to kill one of them, Lucas, multiple times. But then, magically, they fall into insta-love literally right after that, hold hands all the time and Helen can't imagine a life without Lucas anymore. Even thinking about this romance induces a lot a eye-rolling. It just all made no sense at all and was so frustrating that I just couldn't take it anymore.

After I pushed through half the book and countless pages of 0% plot development I figured there are much more enjoyable ways to waste my time. Seriously one of the worst books I read in my entire life.