A review by anabbesteves
Lost Princess by Dani-Lyn Alexander


*Book aquired through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*
Ryleigh Donovan is not only a Princess of Cymmera but she's also fated to be it's Queen, the only thing that's strange is that her "boyfriend", Jackson is it's King and that scares her.
Trying to understand a Kingdom that's entirely new to her while also taking care of her sister and working on her relationship with Jackson.
When a magic relic disappears Ryleigh has to go out and search for it leaving Jackson alone in his new position as King of Cymmera. Jackson finds out she's gone and want's to go out and search for her, but can he leave his kingdom and home to search for his heart?
I was so glad this book came out (and that I was able to read it early) because I really wanted to see what the future had in store for Ryleigh, Jackson, Mia and their friends.
This book had the exact mesures of excitement, delusion, loss and happiness making it a very pleasurable read and keeping me excited! The Kingdom of Cymmera is getting even better than before and the characthers are faced with true dilemmas and have very real problems that make you connect with him and feel like you are one of them once again.
The sci-fi-ish aspect of the book, with the parallel universe is standing out even more and the magical aspect keeps giving it amazing qualities that allowed the author to create awesome creatures that steal your breath away!
People who love magical adventurous with a love interest and a tastefull dose of reallity will certainly love this book and, if you don't like the things listed before, you can always give it a try!
