A review by jessica_
The Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose


A front runner for the worst book I've read this year
I don't know what I hated more the writing or the characters... probably the characters.

We start off with 4 of the worst sex scenes I've ever read (and I'm including fanfics when I say that). I'd call these characters pure self insert/wish fulfillment on the authors part if they weren't a woman. But when one of the main characters is an author, who is so full of themselves, described as having abs, can get a woman half his age to sleep with him after knowing each other for 3 hours, and thinks of himself as the next great American novelist... wish fulfillment is the only phrase that comes to mind...But maybe the wife is where the wish fulfilment comes in as everyone falls in love with/idolizes her and those who don't she just calls a bitch under her breath.

The main character is beyond annoying. I've meet more mature 5 year olds. At every given moment he's flying off the rails in emotional outburst and does everything he could possibly do to derail his case. Instead of trusting his wife/best lawyer to do her job he immediately thinks she's going down the wrong trail so he does his own investigation and trust everyone who gives him 0.5 seconds of attention/praise
Though to give him some credit despite being described as the best lawyer she is probably the worst lawyer I've ever read about.

While I enjoyed how this book ended it did not make up for me hating every single word of this book.