A review by hobbitfreddie
If It's for My Daughter, I'd Even Defeat a Demon Lord (Manga) Vol. 2 by Chirolu


TL:DR- Not a huge improvement on the first volume, but the series is just so cute I can't help but keep reading. The art is a mixed bag, the character dev is a little better than in volume 1, and the wordlbuilding is improved on.

Art: The art is still a mixed bag, some shots look neatly drawn and some are cramped and rough. Latina is well drawn most of the time, I think it helps her stand out. I like how they change her and Da 's clothing designs, I think that's a nice touch. They're well designed too. The expressions are still good though. On the other hand sometimes the art is lacking. It feels messy or sometimes hard to make out. The latter is rare, as I only had a problem with it during a fight scene.

Character: The characters that get some focus on this are Latina, Dale, and Kenneth. The whole cast aren't the most interesting or unique characters, but they still work to be likable and charming. Latina is a really good character, and she does get some little arcs with her learning about the world and growing as a character in general. Dale is pretty flat, and he doesn't even seem to get much of the spotlight in this volume, as Kenneth takes over as Latina's guardian for a bit. Kenneth, I really like, he could just be a simple side character, but he's not. His interactions with Latina are cute, and he might even be a better guardian than Dale.
There's also a chapter focused on Latina and her friends. They don't really have much personality, it's basically said by Latina when she describes them. I don't think they're supposed to be dynamic characters with crazy backstories and arcs, and that's fine. I do think they work well off Latina. Rita is also in this volume, but doesn't actually do much. The entire cast is basically built around Latina, it's her story so it make sense. Their character is defined by their interactions with her.

Story: The chapters in this volume mainly consist of Latina's adventures and her learning or growing. There is so developement, but mainly just for her. There is some stuff with Dale's quests but it is very short, because the transitions are very quick. It was cool to see Dale actually questing though. The quick transitions do bother me, but since the chapters are very short it can't be helped. I did like the added world building and magic, which was lacking in he first volume.

All in all- just a cute read with a little fantasy touch.