A review by badseedgirl
The Art of Space Travel by Nina Allan


Welcome to Day 1 of my 2021 25 Days of Short Stories Christmas Advent Calendar. Each day I will be reading a short story from the collection of over 600 short stories and novellas available for free on Tor.com. This is a collection of horror, sci-fi and fantasy. I will be letting fate (and the random number generator decide what I read each day. I will add this intro to the start of each of my reviews.

Day 1: The Art of Space Travel by Nina Allan

What an amazing start to this challenge. I could not get over how emotional this story made me feel. Less about space travel than family dynamics, but still It makes me want to read [b:The Art of Space Travel and Other Stories|56725157|The Art of Space Travel and Other Stories|Nina Allan|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1615743494l/56725157._SY75_.jpg|88670196] and isn't that one of the reasons why people read short stories. Emily was such a true character. I was feeling her emotions through this story. I figured out the mystery pretty quickly, but it was still a moving story.