A review by janeleng
Find Me by André Aciman


Over the weekend I finished up André Aciman’s Find Me. I adored CMBYN so I went into the sequel with the expectation that there was no way it would be as good as the first installment. But it was!

Find Me is broken up into four sections, where each section follows Elio, Elio’s father, or Oliver at the beginning of a significant romantic relationship. A lot of the themes from CMBYN carry over into this book, namely the idea of parallel lives. There’s a fixation from many of the characters about what could have been, what never was, and what may still be. Find Me strongly asserts that true love seems to be equal parts choice and chance.

The prose is downright gorgeous and had me constantly choked up. Aciman can ruminate about love the way no one else can. I was especially moved by the sections about music. As someone who enjoys music, but doesn’t necessarily understand it, the descriptions of music and the way music often demonstrated the ideas the characters discussed was captivating.