A review by akamm
Everywhere You Don't Belong by Gabriel Bump


3.5 but I generally liked the book so I'll round up

The first part of this book felt like a memoir more than just a fictional tale. I enjoyed the short scenes from Claude's life growing up. There was flowing prose and glimpses of characters that described the person in a short time. I also enjoyed the dialog in this book because even though it felt a little disjointed, it felt like real conversations I've had in my life -- where people are saying what they want but not listening to the other parties.

I kind of lost interest in the story in the mid to end of part 2. It just became too ridiculous too quickly.

Overall, I liked Claude as a character because he wasn't extraordinary -- he's just a boy growing into a man who has to figure out where he wants to go in life. I think most of us can relate.