A review by rpatel675
Three Broken Promises by Monica Murphy


Colin and Jen... They go way back, back to when they were neighbors growing up. Colin was best friends with Danny, Jen's older brother. Colin and Danny were supposed to join the Army together except they didn't. Except Colin stayed back to run the business his absent dad offered him. Except Danny got deployed and never came back.
Once Danny died Jen couldn't stay at her house anymore. Her parents were ignoring her, wallowing in their sons death. It had been months and they needed to move on but it just wasn't happening so she just left. To make ends meet she worked as a waitress at a strip club, or so she says. There's no way in hell is she telling people what she really did. Not even Colin. The Colin that saved her from working at the strip club and living in her car to offering her a fabulous new job at his bar and restaurant, The District. He also gave her a place to live, his own house.
Colin believed it was the least he could do. He felt guilty and responsible. Guilty that Danny died. Guilty that Jen left her home. He was supposed to take care of Jen. He had promised Danny that.
Jen has been living at Colin's for months now. Every night she hears him screaming and mumbling in his sleep and every night she leaves her room and climbs into his and just holds him. They never talk about what happens at night and Jen wishes they would. They have a spark and it's undeniable but Colin treats her like his little sister and nothing more. She wants more and she wants it with Colin except for the fact he won't get over feeling guilty over her brother's death and it was not even his fault. This was the reason she left her home in the first place. She's giving him a month to get his act together and realize what they have. If not, she's leaving and never looking back.
This book was HOT, HOT, HOT! The chemistry between Jen and Colin is crazy. This book is a definite must read. If the last three books were incredible I cannot wait to read Owen's book! I love Monica Murphy and her writing. I'm going to be sad when the books come to an end.