A review by ameserole
Salem Falls by Jodi Picoult


Well done Jodi! You've earned my trust back!

Now I know I just wrote a book review for Harvesting the Heart like an hour ago?!? But like I've mentioned in some reviews/my general status update: I HAVE A TON OF REVIEWS TO WRITE TODAY BECAUSE I'M A READING MANIAC/ROBOT AND READ A TON OF BOOKS THIS WEEK!

Salem Falls was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. Again, I have no idea who bought this book for me but THANKS ANYWAYS! Whoever you are, you are the real MVP (this weekend)!

I loved everything about this book, especially Jack and Addie!!!
I couldn't put this book down! I mean I did, but it was very hard.

So, Jack has a past.. that we discover throughout the book. While reading, Jodi just shoves you with really good twists which made me (I mean will make you?) want more. Plus, seeing how the town, and Addie, handle Jack's unpleasant situation and trail was addicting.

However, I definitely ended up wanting more from this book. I felt like I deserved more because the last part of the book was just kind of okay. Good, but okay. I don't even know if that makes sense or not but I'm going with it.