A review by angelicide
Scorch by Gina Damico


I really like Lex, the main character in this series, and that's primarily what keeps me going. Just as she was in the first book she's smart, snarky and bad-ass in a mostly believable way. Her dialogue and interactions with the other characters are well-written and entertaining.

What keeps me from loving it, is that I've never been 100% sold on its mythology. So much of it seems arbitrary and just a little silly when you stop to think about it. And then there's the Grim technology (Uncle Mort's inventions included), which is often a bit too convenient in the way that it works or doesn't work, seemingly in service to the plot.

And for God's sake, why doesn't somebody just pull out a gun and shoot Zara (the principle villain who can damn people with a single touch) from a distance? Really? Nobody can figure that out?

Anyway, if I don't think about it too hard, I find that I am able to sit back and enjoy the ride. This one is a little tough to get through in some places in the same way that the fifth Harry Potter book was. By that I mean that Lex suffers one terrible injustice after another until you want to scream. That certainly isn't an indictment of the book--in fact, it serves to really ratchet up the tension and makes me that much more determined to be there when Lex is finally vindicated (at least I presume she will be--that was not a spoiler).

Now on to book number three.