A review by shimmery
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People about Race by Reni Eddo-Lodge


It’s hard to know what to say about this book other than that every white person in Britain has a duty to read it.

I’ve always been aware of racism, felt uncomfortable about it and saddened by it, but never really knew what to do. Sometimes I’d hear racist things said and call out someone for being racist, and when they asked why found I couldn’t fully articulate an answer. I’ve always been the kind of person who obviously wants equality and yet thought it was probably not my fight. In this book, Eddo-Lodge articulates perfectly all those insidious kinds of racism and provides a startlingly acute insight in to what it is like to be a person of colour in Britain, and just how much that still, in this day and age, is limiting opportunities. We all have a duty to recognise prejudice in ourselves and those around us and this book is a great help in doing that.

There is a great section on intersectional feminism. One part really struck me - where she points out that if we have feminism without intersectionality then all we are working toward is the same power structure but with more women at the top, not equality. I really like the idea of imagining a utopia and aiming for that. I really hope this book will be widely read and inspire change.