A review by haletostilinski1
Boyfriend 101 by Riley Hart


Overall I enjoyed this last installment in this series.

I liked Cam and Jude together. Cam is Sawyer's brother and Jude is Rush's best friend who had been in love with him - but isn't anymore.

These two start out as a kind of...Jude has maintained that he's "straight except for Rush" which...no. Especially when he is attracted to Cam. So eventually he and Cam start a sort of "friends with benefits" thing, but not really. Because the feelings come in pretty quickly.

I gave a star off because, imo, this stretched on longer than it needed to. Eventually it was like nothing was really happening with these two - and it was about Theo, a young teenage character introduced who becomes their friend - and while I liked Theo, this story wasn't about him, so I wondered why the main plot near the end of this was about Theo after these two decided to be together.

If a lot was cut out then this wouldn't have felt like it dragged on for longer than it needed to.

But overall I did enjoy this sweet story, and these two guys together. They had good chemistry - although the sex scenes could have been written better, as sometimes Riley Hart does great sex scenes and sometimes...not, very glossed over and quick.

Overall I'd recommend this, I just wish it hadn't been so long for no real reason and pushing plot that wasn't about our two main MC's near the end.