A review by craftychelc
The Island Home by Libby Page


The Island Home is written from the perspective of Lorna and Alice. They are sisters in law but have never met. Lorna grew up with her abusive parents and brother Jack on a small Scottish island. When she was 18, she ran away and never came back. She moved to London where she ended up raising her daughter Ella as a single mother. Alice moved to the island after falling in love with Jack and they ended up having a daughter called Molly. Despite their parents not speaking, Molly and Ella got in contact over social media and Ella eventually convinces Lorna to go back to the island for a summer so she can meet her family and attend her grandparent's funerals.

This book is set over the summer that they visit the island and also includes some flashback scenes to Lorna's childhood. On the whole, I thought this was very well written. This book handles a lot of tough issues and I think it did so in a very real way. All of the characters were realistic in that no one was perfect and everyone made some bad choices along the way.

Despite dealing with heavy topics, the book still feels like a light, fun summer read and there are plenty of heart-warming moments and even some funny ones. I would really recommend it.