A review by jankimanani
Bound by Vengeance by Cora Reilly


5 ⭐️ (just for growl).

“I wanted many things, things I’d never wanted before. Most of all I wanted to tell her that I didn’t want to lose her, and that for the first time in my life I was scared to die because I wanted to have more time with her, and yet at the same time I was scared not to die because then I’d see her leave me the moment we were in New York.”

“His head had to be an incredibly exciting place considering how much time he spent there.”

“For some reason that girl meant something to me. I’d never cared for anyone, except for my dogs and perhaps myself, but with Cara, I wasn’t sure what was happening to me. I didn’t want to care about her. I knew she didn’t want me. What she was doing was tactic, a way for her to survive what had been meant as a horrible punishment.”

“But I’m not as valuable as that piece around your wrist.”
“You are worth more than anything I’ve ever owned or will ever own.”

“I was a monster. Would always be. But I could appreciate something precious, something as valuable as Cara, and I would never destroy it. I wasn’t good, there was nothing gray about me. I was all black but I was trying to be good to her. Never as good as she deserved but as good as I was capable of. It wasn’t enough, I realized it every day. I would never be enough.”

“I told you, what he’s done to me made me who I am. I would not be here without him. I would not be here with you without him. He gave me you and that’s more than I ever hoped for.”

“Growl looked lonely. In the short time I knew him I’d learned to read his expressions better, but I still didn’t understand him.”

i could not choose just one quote. growl broke my heart everytime he spoke about himself. the way he convinced himself that he wasn’t enough and he deserved nothing. that he was dirty and unworthy and that he was a monster broke me. until my heart was in a trillion pieces on the floor. but he picked them up and put it all back together when he spoke about cara like she hung the moon for him. i love him sm he deserves the world and nothing less <3