A review by cr4nkyp4nts
Need to Know by Karen Cleveland


I got this book as an ebook ARC from NetGalley a long time ago. I just checked and it was published back in January of 2018 so it really was a long time ago. Dang. I sometimes really suck at the "advanced" portion of the ARC deal...

Anyway, I waited so long that I was able to enjoy the audio version. And I did enjoy it. The narrator did a good job - a very nice job - and I was sucked into the story pretty quickly. I thought I knew where the book was going but there were some twists and turns that made the experience even more than I expected. I don't normally read spy books but I'm glad I picked this one up.

My only real issue was that the ending was pretty anti-climactic and felt like it happened a bit too easily and quickly. It didn't take away from my enjoyment overall though.

OKAY! Scratch that. That'll teach me to start my review while still listening to the ending. I thought I was listening to the epilogue but I wasn't. :-)

So if you haven't read Need to Know yet because you meant to but your TBR pile got away from you, here's your reminder!

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for putting it on my radar!