A review by mindsplinters
Into the Wild by Sarah Beth Durst


A darling, creative YA book that takes the old chestnut of "what if fairy tales were real" and sinks it into something nicely woven between worlds. The heroine was quite a real-feeling 12 year old and her supporting cast were equally charming, cast in such lights that their quirks came off as part of it all and not window dressing. The author also clearly knows her stuff when it comes to fairy tales, delving into lesser known tales with just as much ease and the same casual touch that she uses for the standards like Snow White and Cinderella and Rapunzel. To be honest, I was unfairly won over with the almost-throw-away mention of a glass mountain, too; so few know that story! I also like the serious treatment of deeper concepts of belonging and who we really are - just tough enough but written with a straight-forward feel.