A review by mirificmoxie
Don't Hex with Texas by Shanna Swendson


3 Stars

Since I had read the first three books in this series one per day and there were seven books in the series, I decided that I might as well make it a marathon and finish out the week binge reading the rest of the series.

This may not have been the best idea, but I rolled with it. I was having fun avoiding my life by amusing myself with the fictional problems of Katie Chandler. I was excited about this book because it takes place mainly in Katie's hometown. I really liked her mother's character and was enthusiastic to see more of her. So I was then disappointed by how little her mother is actually in this story. Apparently the author decided the grandmother was more of a crowd-pleaser and focused more on that character instead. But I found the grandmother disappointing because she was basically [b:Stephanie Plum's Grandmother|6853|One for the Money (Stephanie Plum, #1)|Janet Evanovich|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1316730230s/6853.jpg|1486401] with magic added in. She just gave off that trying-too-hard, too-engineered feeling. And the plot in this book was over-the-top cheesy. The villians took on the bumbling aspect of cartoon villains which made it hard to believe the stakes were high.

Ease of Reading: 4 Stars
Writing Style: 3 Stars
Characters: 4 Stars
Plot Structure and Development: 2 Stars
Level of Captivation: 3 Stars
Originality: 3 Stars