A review by thewordwitch
Squirrel Meets World by Shannon Hale, Dean Hale


Clearly, this book was not written with someone my age in mind as its target audience. Nonetheless, I enjoy superhero things, particularly Marvel. I like the humor they have injected into their superhero franchises as of late. I also like books with strong female leads, so when my friend recommended this to me, I figured it would be worth a read. And it was. Squirrel Girl is charming and there are many adorable moments scattered throughout the book. However, this book was kind of too cute for me to really enjoy. There were moments where I cringed at the writing, because it seemed as if the authors were trying too hard to be quirky. This happened frequently in the footnotes, which, fortunately, you don't have to read to understand the story. So often, I would skip them entirely. 

Now, if this were being read by a much younger Sarah, say a 5th grade Sarah, she would be eating this up. She would be falling in love with the corny jokes and would probably idolize someone only a few years older than herself who was kicking butt and didn't quite fit in. So, I kept that in mind as I read it. The stars subtracted are for the more cringeworthy moments, but the stars given are for child Sarah, who would have loved this to bits.